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How to ferment yoghurt at home?

How to ferment yoghurt at home? The benefits of yoghurt are countless. But are the yoghurt we buy ready-made really as healthy as we think? We cannot know this, but

How to ferment yoghurt at home?

The benefits of yoghurt are countless. But are the yoghurt we buy ready-made really as healthy as we think? We cannot know this, but don’t you feel more comfortable when you eat natural yoghurt or homemade yoghurt? Don’t you feel that you have done something beneficial for your health? Don’t think that fermenting yoghurt is difficult, takes time or I can’t do it. By following the step-by-step recipe below, you can easily and quickly ferment your own natural yoghurt and contribute to the health of yourself and your loved ones.

Ingredients Required for Homemade Yoghurt:

  • 1 litre of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of yoghurt
  • Jar
  • Cloth or small blanket to keep the yoghurt warm

If whole milk is used for fermenting yoghurt, the yoghurt will be more delicious. In addition, fermenting yoghurt with fresh milk makes it richer in vitamins.

Step-by-step recipe for fermenting yoghurt:

  1. Firstly, put the milk in a saucepan and boil it.
  2. While the milk is boiling, prepare the jars in which you will ferment the yoghurt. Rinse the jars with hot water. The jars should be warm when you fill the milk into the jars.
  3. After the milk boils, let it warm up. Check the temperature of the milk. If you have a kitchen thermometer, make sure that the milk is 45 degrees. If you do not have a thermometer, you can check the temperature of the milk with your pinky finger.
    Tip: Dip your pinky finger into the milk. If the milk is hot but your finger does not burn, the milk is at the right temperature for fermenting yoghurt.
  4. Take two tablespoons of yoghurt in a bowl. Add some of the boiled milk to this yoghurt and mix.
  5. Pour the yoghurt from the bowl into the milk in the saucepan and mix well.
  6. After mixing the milk and yoghurt, pour it into the jars that you have previously rinsed with hot water. After making sure that the lids of the jars are dry, close the jars.
  7. Wrap the jars well with a blanket or cloth without moving them too much. The jars must not cool down immediately so that the yoghurt can ferment.
  8. You need to leave the jars to ferment for 6 hours. Don’t be too curious and be patient (: Now your homemade yoghurt is ready. You can consume it immediately or store it in the fridge.

Tricks of Yoghurt Fermentation:

  • The temperature of the milk should be 45 degrees.
  • It is more advantageous to ferment yoghurt in jars. Yoghurt is made in portion containers. This prevents it from getting watery and spoiling quickly.
  • The jars should be warm.
  • The lids of the jars must be dry.
  • If possible, whole natural milk should be used.
  • The yoghurt should be kept warm while fermenting.

Health to your hands and bon appetit.


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